“Eden Maxwell’s art is brilliant; he’s the real thing, a true creator.”
—Mary Anne Bartley, Artist-in-Residence: Villanova University, WHYY, PBS
“I'm over the top at how your artwork reveals a master's touch that goes beyond day-to-day reality and puts my mind in an abstract anything goes happy place.
“I just can't look at your art and move along swiftly because I need to ‘study it.’ There's so much to be seen in each and every piece.
“I'm just a country girl who can honestly say that I think you move to the beat of your soul.
“I truly love your works.”
—Sandy Stacy
“Eden Maxwell’s art is among the most compelling I have ever seen. He is in the good company of Picasso and Kandinsky.”
—Oscar (Oz) Janiger, psychiatrist | art patron
Giving Back in Gratitude: The artist donates a portion of art acquisitions to support foundations protecting animal rights and abused children.
Over the years, Eden had given many kite-making and art workshops for abused and inner-city kids. These workshops bolstered their much-needed self-worth and confidence.