Sincerity is often Wrong
“A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.”
Here is an excerpt from my book, An Artist Empowered that sheds light on intuitive vision and perseverance despite the naysayers.
When I decided to write a book about kites (inspired by R. Buckminster Fuller) in 1986, several authorities in the field and a half dozen literary agents told me that I was wasting my time. I was informed that everything important about the subject had already been covered, the market was too small, and no mainstream publisher would be interested.
After listening to this consensus concerto of misguided advice, I felt opportunity calling and went with my intuition—which is the soul singing the divine song of the Creator. I did find a mainstream New York City book publisher. Nearly two decades later, my book continues to sell both here and abroad, and a new, updated edition was published in 1998.
What did I learn?
The experts, who may even have been earnest with their doomsday advice, couldn’t grasp the vision I had. Don’t be deceived: sincerity is often totally wrong.